For strong, committed, bottom turns in side-off conditions, and unrivaled stability in gusty conditions, nothing compares to the 2019 Viper. Combine this classic plan-form with an ultra-modern Twaron membrane, and you create an unrivaled synergy of cutting edge construction and classic feel. This sail remains nicely centered, without shape migration, even in the upper range. While the Viper is absolutely dedicated wavesail, it works marvelously as a cross-over on bump & jump days. If you like a lightweight, agile, ripping wavesail, grab a Viper and experience the very best.
New in 2019
– More set shaping along the bottom batten. Ensuring continuous drive and stability. The curvature telegraphs up through the sail body giving it direction and drive.
– HD Membrane Matrix. Slightly thicker film gauges and robust fiber mapping provide maximum strength and durability.
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CLICK HERE for more details info about the VIPER from AVANTI SAILS